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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wish Me Luck

Today, I go see my psychiatrist. Wish me luck as I venture out to tell her what has been happening these past few weeks. Mom is going with me as back up and hopefully, my therapist has sent over some information as well.

I'm nervous. I'm unsure what to expect, but I'm hoping for the best.

Things are looking up for me, though.

I started school and everything seems good in that area. I'm feeling better by the day and that's fantastic.  Even greater? My writing mojo is back. For good, it seems. I'm working on two new WIP's and book four. Please be patient with me as book four is wanting to be stubborn right now. I think it just needs a read through to allow me to focus on Emily and Jake again.

Since I'm here, I might as well let y'all know the names of my new main characters.

From my newest WIP, we have Kelly Price and Luke Morgan starring in some tough roles. From my other WIP, we have Ryan Parker and Allyssa Michaels. If my writing keeps progressing as it has been these past few days, I'll share a snippet from each of their stories.

Happy Reading everyone and have a lovely day!

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