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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bracing the Blue Line - Fun Fact 3

It's day 3 of Fun Facts! If you missed them, check out the first and second. If you're ready to see the third fun fact, then keep reading!

One day last year, I changed things up a bit. Instead of thinking of a story idea or characters first, I wanted names first. I wanted to build characters and a story simply from their names. I came up with Grant Faison and Lucy Kennedy. From there, a story grew.

It was going to be my first male-only POV book, but I found it extremely difficult to get very far without wanting to get inside Lucy’s head. So, for a while, I would skip ahead to certain scenes and write those in Grant’s POV. After a while, it seemed I was going nowhere fast with a bunch of scenes, but nothing to connect them together. I set it aside and started working on You Before Me.

Then, I decided to start Winston and Maddie’s story, only that wasn’t quite working out either. (You’ll learn more in tomorrow’s fun fact.) After a bit of brainstorming, I decide that Winston and Grant should come together in one story. It took a while to figure out details on how to make it work, which is how Neil got added to the mix.

Long story short, Grant and Lucy unsurprisingly waited until things clicked for me, so I could tell their story in Grant’s POV like it should be told.

Check back tomorrow for another BtBL Fun Fact! Be sure to continue following the BtBL Pinterest board for daily teasers.
You can add Bracing the Blue Line to your to-read shelf and enter a giveaway on Goodreads. Don't forget to pre-order it for the special price of $2.99 on Amazon, iBooks, B&N, or Kobo.

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