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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bracing the Blue Line - Fun Fact 2

Yesterday, I shared the first fun fact and now, I'm back to share another!

Titling books keeps getting harder and harder, I’m sure of it. Having 3 POVs in this book seemed to add an extra complication, in my eyes anyway. When I was trying to think of a title that was fitting for the overall story, and each story individually, it was impossible. I didn’t like anything I came up with.

So, I seeked help. I asked a few people who had read it for their ideas and one of those people was a beta reader of mine. Heidi is a pretty amazing person, and I loved her even more when she sent me a list of possible titles. One of those was Bracing the Blue Line.

Thank you so much, Heidi, because without you, I’m positive I would still be tossing title ideas around. You’re one of the best!

Check back tomorrow for another BtBL Fun Fact! Be sure to continue following the BtBL Pinterest board for daily teasers.
You can add Bracing the Blue Line to your to-read shelf and enter a giveaway on Goodreads. Don't forget to pre-order it for the special price of $2.99 on Amazon, iBooks, B&N, or Kobo.

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