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Friday, January 22, 2016

WIP Progress Report (#7)

To recap, these "progress reports" are basically a way for y'all to know a little more about what I'm working on and to be able to follow along with the process. The main update will be on my solos, but at the end, there will be quick updates on other projects. 

I'm jumping right in with this PR on Brittany and Trace's story.

- Tentatively titled: For Now
- Genre: New Adult Romance w/ Anxiety/Depression 
- Word Count/Goal: 69,977/80,000
- Release Date: Tentatively, the summer of 2016
- Series? Will be book 1 of 2.
- First Sentence of Last Chapter Written: 
She hasn't smiled since she arrived.

What's new? Well, I have a tentative title and I'm closing in on reaching my goal for the word count with a little over 10,000 words to go. I just finished outlining what is left to be told of the story. I have four chapters remaining in this WIP! 

Holy moly.

I don't feel like I'm close to the end, which is probably because their story will pick up again in a second book. I feel like this has been a quick book to write, even though it hasn't. So what's different to make it feel like that?

For one, I joined a challenge with other authors to write at least 100 words a day. That's definitely helped me make sure I write a little chunk every single day as well as having a general outline for this book from the beginning. I've always known where it's going, how it's going to end, and a few key parts that need to happen. I haven't written this book any faster than my others; it isn't any shorter either. Yet, still feels like my time with these characters so far have flown by. Maybe it's just because I've had so much going on in other areas of my life as well. 

Anyway, that's all for this progress report. The next one will mean I've finished the draft! 

Other Projects:
Bending Under Pressure is patiently awaiting its release day next month. I'm getting teasers and such ready. 

I'll be writing more on books from The Ninth Inning series.

That's all for now! I just wanted to write a quick update during the intermission of this Detroit/Buffalo game, and since I had an update to give!

Stay safe and warm in this weather, y'all!

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