As per usual, here's an excerpt before we get to the muse and giveaway!
"What do you mean ‘why’? I have the means to do so and the kids enjoy it. Why wouldn’t I?” Seems pretty simple to me.
"Have you looked in the mirror? You’re Carson Lee. You’re the bad-boy of hockey. Nowhere on your resume does it say, ‘good samaritan’.”
"That’s not who I am to them and there’s a reason it’s not on my resume.” Conversations like this for example. Who I normally am wouldn’t coincide with the guy who visits kids in hospitals anyway, so it’s good that no one knows. It’s no one’s business either. “I do something good, shouldn’t you be happy about that? Just smile and say, ‘That’s nice of you, Carson. I’m surprised, but it’s still nice.’ Or smile and keep your thoughts to yourself. That works too.” I try not to be snappy, in part because I do hope she’ll smile. So my voice is as nice and casual as I can make it. I even smile at her.
"If you’re trying to get me to smile, it’s not working. Although, I am surprised, didn’t think you had it in you. May I ask who Gracie is?”
"No,” I answer curtly.
"Oh, okay.” She drops the topic for a moment. “I’m still surprised that you have a good side.”
I shrug. “Well, I do.”
"And all this time I thought the only thing you did good was have sex with all of Alabama.”
"Good is a huge understatement when referring to sex with me. If good is all the women are saying, then I’m slacking,” I say seriously.
Kinley smiles and cracks up in a laugh but quickly covers her mouth.
"That’s one!” I point at her, grinning. “It should count for two since you laughed.”
She gazes at her drink before looking back at me. “You must have slipped something into my soda, and it’s one, not two.”

Our muse for Carson is Tyler Seguin. Seguin is a young hotshot player for the Dallas Stars and like Carson, he has tattoos. What's not to love?
Be sure to add the series on Goodreads and enter the giveaway below! Good luck!
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