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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nepenthe - Fun Fact 5

Does this picture ring any bells? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.

I posted it last August on Facebook while I was on vacation at the beach.

I was in love with the word and the fact that it was on a beach house.

Which brings me to the final Nepenthe Fun Fact.

In Nepenthe, Lucy calls Corey and tells her about the name of the beach house she's staying in with Grant and his family.

The name of that beach house?


How did I come across the word?

It was the name of a beach house across the road from the one I was staying in last August. My sister and I had looked at the word every time we sat in the rocking chairs on the porch and finally, I mentioned it.

We looked up the definition and both thought it was perfect for a beach house.

And ta-da, that's the connection to how the word gets mentioned in the book for me to tie it into the story.

Hope you've enjoyed these fun facts! I did! :)

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