If you somehow missed it, Bracing the Blue Line released Saturday! And today, I want to thank everyone for their support, excitement, and love for this book!
Because of y'all, BtBL is doing fantastic. On Amazon, in particular, it has been in the Top 100 in Sports Romance since release day and in the Top 25 in Hot New Releases in Sports Romance since yesterday. That's pretty amazing!
So, thank you! Thanks to those who have left a review so far as well! If you haven't yet, please considering leaving an honest review. It makes my world go round! :)
I'm very happy that my guys are doing well and that readers seem to be enjoying them. BtBL is my favorite that I've written so far and it'll always have a special place in my heart. I'm glad I decided to do something risky for me (all male POV & 3 POVs) because it's working out!
I would like to do another book like this in the future, maybe with a different sport, but no promises! I'm really enjoying the male POV though. My next solo release, which will be in early 2015, will be told in the male POV, but of only one character. So, hopefully, you enjoyed reading this book and the male POV because there will be a few more at least. (If you like the duel, no worries! I have an WIP waiting to be worked on that is a duel POV.)
Before I go, I do want to let you know about a few things.
Price of BtBL will go up to $3.99 on Sunday, October 5, 2014. If you haven't bought it yet (at $2.99), do it now while it's on sale! Here are the links for Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, and Kobo.
There's currently a giveaway going on for a BtBL swag pack, plus $20 worth of gift cards, plus other fun swag and some ebooks! Check it out and enter here.
Also, I'll be making an announcement in the October newsletter! To hear the news first, be sure to sign up!
Again, thanks so much, y'all! <3
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