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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Well, well. Look who showed up.

Hey y'all. Start looking for more regular posts from me. I'm back in my groove and I'm getting things moving again.

Nothing is really new, but my writing and reading grooves are back in motion. I'm hoping to have Always, the fourth book in the Bold as Love series, finished soon. If I can get my butt in super gear, I can have it done by the end of April. Don't forget about editing and all that jazz though!

Speaking of books, I just have to share about my latest read. It's truly amazing and it instantly stole my heart. For me, this book was just pure perfection. It's my #1 favorite book. So what is this book?

Wide Awake by Shelly Crane. Below is the synopsis so you can check it out. Be sure to find it on Goodreads and Amazon to snag yourself a copy!

A girl.
A coma.
A life she can't remember.

When Emma Walker wakes up in the hospital with no knowledge of how she got there, she learns that she's been in a coma for six months. Strangers show up and claim to be her parents, but she can't remember them. She can't remember anyone. Not her friends, not even her boyfriend. Even though she can't remember, everyone wants her to just pick up where she left off, but what she learns about the 'old her' makes her start to wish she'd never woken up. Her boyfriend breaks up with the new girl he's dating to be with her, her parents want her to start planning for college, her friends want their leader back, and her physical therapist with the hazel eyes keeps his distance to save his position at the hospital.

Will she ever feel like she recognizes the girl in the mirror?

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