Don't Panic will release 1/3/13, so mark your calendars! That is the date and it will not change until something serious happens in my life and I have to change it.
Cover reveal will take place on 12/6. If you are interested comment with your email or message me.
I'm looking to have a blog tour full of Q&A's, guest posts, teasers, an excerpt, and reviews starting 12/7. If you are interested, please email me or comment with your email addy so I can add you to my list.
I'm going to pledge that 10% of my profit will be donated to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA.)
I'm also looking for those who have some sort of relation to anxiety, depression, OCD, or any other mental health disorder to help me promote Mental Health Month in May of 2013. I'm not sure yet what all we can do to help promote this except promote books such as Don't Panic and do giveaways, because who doesn't like giveaways? If you are interested in helping out, just let me know and I'll add you to my list to be contacted at a later date.
Thank you for your support, patience, and love.
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