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Monday, December 19, 2011

Houston, we have a title!

Book three in the Bold As Love series now has a title and a synopsis. Are you ready?

Whatever It Takes
Their first year of college isn’t what they expected. Emily is still struggling with the loss of her baby, while Jake seems to have no trouble with it at all. Emily is so conflicted about how to deal with the miscarriage. On top of that, she’s having nightmares.
Can Jake help his Sweetness? Will she allow him? Their relationship is suffering and Jake is determined to do whatever Emily asks of him. But when Emily makes a suggestion that she feels will help with her grief, could it tear the couple apart forever?
I know what I would like for the cover and I'm hoping to get started on that as well. You can also add Whatever It Takes on Goodreads! Don't forget to enter the Christmas Cheer giveaway as well. Have a great day everyone. :)

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