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Friday, May 1, 2015

Penned Con Preorder Forms!

Hey, y'all! Penned Con is not too far away now. Mary and I both are signing and we can't wait to go! Plus, I'm bringing my mom as my assistant. That was so much fun at a signing I attended last year that I have to drag her along again. :)

Anyway, we've decided to take preorders for the event. This will ensure that you get the books you want. Plus, this is how you can get some pretty cool swag.

Most of the information you'll need is in the form itself. What's not on the form is this:

You can only preorder books during the month of May.

This is because of the bundle options. If you want to buy all the books in a series, we're going to give you swag just for bundling. We're ordering that swag based on the preorders and we won't have many extras of those swag items on hand (if any). So, if you absolutely want the swag that comes from buying all the books in a series, then you need to preorder.

Because of how many books we have individually and together, there is a form for my solo books and a form for the books written with Mary.

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