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Friday, September 5, 2014

What's in the Swag Pack?

Yesterday, I posted on Facebook that I might share what will be in the Bracing the Blue Line swag pack. And I nearly forgot to post it today!

So, why am I sharing what's in the swag pack? Because I'm evil and I want you to see it now, even though you won't get a chance to win one until release day. Plus, I'm way too excited to keep this to myself.

So, here it is!

There's a BtBL t-shirt. That's the front and the back has the cover and my blog link.

We have the paperback and bookmark, of course.

The remaining three items tie in to each character.

That black, round thing? It's a hockey puck-shaped stress ball and that's for Neil. It says, "Pace the room with Neil Lawson" because he's a pacer when he's stressed. And Neil has a lot to be stressed about! If you aren't sure why, let me refer to this line in the blurb: "Captain Neil Lawson wants to run for the hills when a one night stand shows up on his doorstep, pregnant with his baby. "

Below that is a library card and card pocket. That's for Grant for two reasons. 1. He loves to read. 2. He's in the library quite often, which is one place where Lucy keeps finding him.

To the left is a retro popcorn box and a bag of popcorn tied together with a movie night ribbon. That's for Winston. All I can really say is that he and Maddie start watching movies together when she's missing home.

So, there you have it! As I said, the first chance to win one of these is via the Release Day Email through my monthly newsletter. If you haven't signed up yet, you can do so here. Be sure to say YES to wanting to receive the email on release days and you'll automatically be entered to win a swag pack!

Bracing the Blue Line is available for preorder on AmazonKoboB&N, or iBooks for the special price of $2.99! Be sure to add it to your to-read shelf on Goodreads as well!

1 comment:

  1. I love this swag everything is so cool and one-of-a-kind. ☺


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