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Sunday, July 15, 2012

DON'T PANIC- The good and the bad

While working on Don't Panic today, a thought hit me. There are some goods that come from me working on it and some bars. I thought that I would share that with you today, since I don't have the energy to go into detail about how silence is a trigger for me. I'm not feeling upbeat enough to survive that post, so it will have to wait.

The Good: 
-It helps me realize the thoughts that go through my head even more so than before.
-It will hopefully help others who experience the same thing, or something similar.
-It makes me reflect on where I was and how far I've come.

The Bad:
-It hinders my perception on college. I'm still lost at what I should do and this particular scene in DP that I'm working on is not helping one bit.
-It near a bout causes an attack in some instances when my mind replays a scene of me in school.
-I start thinking like Sam and that is never good.
-It makes me want to avoid school all over again, at any cost.

Those are just a few of the positives and negatives of working on a book that closely relates to my own life. Enjoy your Sunday!

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