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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Goals are good for the soul

imgres.jpgIf you are friends with me on Facebook, then you know that I've created a goal for the summer. I love setting goals, whether I meet them or not.

What is my goal, you ask?

Why, thanks for asking! My goal is to write three books this summer. My ending date will be August 25, as that is when regular school starts here.

I'm hoping to finish book four of the Bold As Love series, Don't Panic, and TSP3 (because we don't have a title for it yet.) There's my three books.

Now, it's not as much of a challenge as if I were starting fresh. Therefore, I'm going to start a book today and have it finished by August 25. I have no idea what it will be, so I better get thinking!

Do you set goals? Would you like to share? How often to you complete these goals?

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